Welcome back to another week of the AITA Newsletter!
Apologies for the couple weeks off. Life got crazy for a second but now that it’s calmed down and quasinormal I’m here to deliver more juicy AITA content! This week we’ve got a ticket-stealing sister and a husband having trouble letting go of his childhood home.
Also, happy St. Patrick’s Day to those who celebrate! Have fun and stay safe this Friday!
Enjoy :)
Guess the Verdict
AITA for calling my sister a cokewhore?
OP (18F) is a college student on a government grant and lives with parents and sister Joanne (23F).
Joanne is a chef and uses cocaine regularly, claiming that it is “the lifestyle of cheffing.”
Parents ignore Joanne’s cocaine use as she pays rent on time and is generally unproblematic at home.
Joanne continuously asks OP for money, which OP doesn’t have.
With her Christmas bonus OP purchased two tickets to a small concert for her and her best friend. Joanne logged into the account the tickets were on and sold them to get drug money behind OP’s back.
OP went home and confronted Joanne, demanding that she give the money back, but Joanne had already spent it.
In the argument OP said, “Why is it fair that you get to do this to me when I’ve never even drank alcohol or smoked weed. Why does the cokewhore get to be the golden child but not me?”
Mom intervened in the argument, saying Joanne had just made a mistake. Mom thinks that OP is an AH for calling her sister a cokewhore. OP apologized but Joanne won’t speak to her.
Community’s Guess:
My Take:
Based on the title alone, ESH.
After reading through, solid NTA and the rest of the family is. It might not be the nicest thing to say to someone but it’s understandable to be angry that she stole tickets to a concert that was meant to be her first night out in ages, and have them get sold for drug money. The sister was selfish and generally awful for stealing them, and the parents are just as bad for enabling her cocaine use - which could easily be an addiction.
Reddit Verdict: NTA
Top Comment:
“NTA. Report the tickets as stolen. Tell the person that bought them that they bought stolen property. Next time you know your sister has drugs on her, call the police.” - No-Personality5421
Juice of the Week
My husband keeps going back to our old house and hanging out with the new occupant and her child
Last year OP (35F) and her husband (37M) moved out of their first home.
It was a difficult move because it was husband’s childhood home. The two lived there since they were married ten years ago, and they had their children.
The new occupants are a woman in her mid-20s and her five-year-old child.
Husband told the new occupants that if they ran into issues with the house they could give him a call since he had been fixing things there for years, or he could give them the number of a good repair company.
In December husband went over to fix the house’s heating system and mentioned to OP how nice it was to be back at the house.
Since then husband has been back over for various reasons - checking on the heating, taking their 9-year-old over for playdates.
OP finds this strange, and doesn’t believe the children are asking for play dates, but husband says she is overreacting.
My Take:
NAH. It’s understandable why the husband is drawn to the house, since he grew up there and it was basically his home for his whole life until last year. I remember moving when I was in sixth grade and driving by the old house just to see it and stir up some fond memories whenever I was in the area. It doesn’t sound like there is any motivation outside of simply wanting to be at the house. It’s also understandable for OP to feel uncomfortable about this, since the new occupant is a single mom and the children are 4 years apart - which is significant. A five-year-old is extremely different from a 9-year-old. There might be a better solution to this than just OP expressing suspicion and husband saying she’s overreacting. Maybe they need to talk to the new resident more as a couple, or as a family - invite her over for dinner, etc. to build a reasonable bond instead of just making excuses to be there. There are some other options here.